Friday 10 April 2015


By – Satish Rauniyar


The world of work is changing as rapidly to make better world of work, it may be positive or negative. I talked with some of people to know more about it. Change in working comes from the new idea, suggestions, and comments. Importance of health and safety for employee for their protection, changing the war of job, migration of employee from one country (From Nepal) to another to get good amount of salary, technology- how the rapid growth of technology is changing way of work, how psychological contract is important for HR managers to motivate and understand the demand of the employee.


1.   Background

The technological, economic and social conditions that shape workplaces and workforces is changing rapidly and profoundly. The political, administrative and technical approaches that we apply to health and safety policy must be equal to this pace of change. The workforce to embrace change in skills, in technology, in materials and in production processes. World is changing rapidly, if we prepare by learning current working way it will be worth in future so, I chose the topic “The changing world of work and the psychological contract” to find more about it. I am going to write about how the world of work is changing, Health and safety for the employee, changing the war of job, Migration to get good job, technology – how technology is changing, psychological contract and the type of psychological (Relational and traditional), to understand more about any person we can know by their CV.

2. Changing world of work

As the flow of time whole world of working is changing rapidly (The way of work, way of treating employee) this all thing is changing to make better world of work. Change may be positive or negative, without changing we cannot achieve new goals and better management. In this word change in technology is making distance to short. A good change in any industry can built a new image for company applying new tricks like google is the one of the best company to learn about the change and flexibility that they have created a new image of working by breaking the old rules of working. Changes comes from different way (From feedback of customers, suggestion of any employee or comment of any people) New work isn’t place we go or learn, we can create change, change in working way that comes from every people, their thinking makes different. Most of people thinks that a lazy person cannot do anything but most of lazy person try to make their work easy and comes with different idea that changes the way of working. Most of company are based on their employee because they play the main role in the company. But as the world is changing there are some company that runs the company without employee but it’s not good idea because the company without employee can never do anything new or make a progress it all automatic machines that will do the thing they are made to do. Mostly the in European country and world of work is changing rapidly. The most fast developing county Qatar is developing in sector of business that the country is also best place to work and do the business. In this changing world of work the organization are being so much flexible and the HR department is trying to understand about the employee to make their work easier and giving them. How the psychological contract plays the main role to make a better organization with understanding the problem of the people in the organization, The HR department to help the organization to develop. While writing this report I wanted to know more about the changing world of work the work is changing and making work so effective in organization. HR manger have many responsibility of understanding about problems of all people in organization and comment on them or do positive things for the people in organization
To know more about it. I asked some of my family and friends. They said now days most of company are so much flexible, if any employee gets bored the HR department change the way of working as well as their work there work too sometime. If any employee are not comfortable to work or they want to change something


3. Health and safety

Now days in big company (likes apple) runs with a large numbers of employees and there is risk injuries causes serious health damages that can spoil the whole the employee and their family. So, now day most of the company and employee are aware of this factor. Now they aspect health coverage from the company they want to work. “Worker protection must reconcile itself to radical change” (Europe Agency for safety and health at work, 2014) this says that worker have right to get health coverage from the company they are working. HR manager is still not able to provide Health and safety to people in organization and cause of this also employees are being not satisfy with their job.

4. Changing the war of job (Clifton, 2011)
Now there are seven billion people on earth among them five billion are adult and three billion who want to work, about four billion of people want to work full time but only one hundred two million jobs are available. This says sixty percent of people don’t have job. And because of this job for newly graduated students are not able to get proper job, most of newly graduated student are seeking for job. Company always want experience employee they only take the people who have more experience least one or two year. That will affect company will start hiring new people in there company and HR manager will have to fire there old employees without any reason will may make big problem to HR manger.

5. Migration to get good job (From Nepal)

In Nepal 400,000 young people enter labor market as estimated. Many of them goes to foreign countries for job. Mainly young migrants are supported to go overseas for employment as they are not able get good amount of salary and good working way. Many of them have both formal and informal information about migrating to overseas for better job and get good amount of salary and to learn new way of working. Social inclusion to youths help them positive attitudes among migrants and native youth which brings better knowledge in marginalization and discrimination among the people. So they can be aware of the responsibilities and opportunities of migration. This is causing decrease in amount of labor in Nepal and increasing demand of labor.
As deep I wanted to know the why people are interested to go aboard instead of working in on country most of they said they are not able to get job with good working hour and the salary of the labor are so that cannot run their family life so in search of better working hour and better salary they want to go abroad and work there.
I talked with some of person who is currently working abroad, with following question
a.      Why you wanted to work abroad instead of working in our own country?
They said, working style is completely different from our country, they are well trained in every field we can learn so much from them, from skilled manpower they can learn more things to in effective and in well manner. So, on for better experience and develop career opportunity like Europe is the best place to work and study
In Nepal so many factors people cannot work well cause of politics, strikes.

6. Technology

As new technology is arriving it causing rapid change in world of work. Innovations have changed the whole world of working, in 19th century most of the company use to keep files, data in hard copy form but now technology has changed the whole way of data keeping to publishing yearly or statement of the company. In hospital sector technology is improving the way of working and also caring the patient. New technology is making every work flexible and decreasing the time of work. New innovation’s in technology now days and in future is changing the whole world of work easy and comfortable.
In the changing world of technology now days the technology like social networking sites like Facebook is best way to advertise any product instead of advertise in any newspaper or on any TV channel because in Facebook any company can directly make a good contact with costumers.
While I was talking about the Facebook to the people, they said it one of the basic thing to be updated (News, company, or Discovery) but in most of their office Facebook has been banded. Because most people use to spend their time on Facebook at working site.


7. Psychological contract

According to (Guest , 2007), a psychological contract with the perception of both parties to the employment relationship, it implies the unwritten set contract, expectation every time between every members of an organization to manager. Psychological contract can be define as the expectation from each other in organization. Being HR manager it’s important to know about our employee to motivate them for their good work and suggest to improve if employee is doing wrong. Manager should know their employee problems, flexibility they want when they are in trouble or out city. A good psychological can’t boost the performance but it make strong relationship between the members of organization, bad psychological contract between the employees can break any organization because money cannot satisfy every member because they always have different expectation form the organization, it also de-motivates the employee, fulfilling psychological contract creates the feeling of being valued, leads to positive outcomes, increases the trust for employee.
Researchers have categorized psychological contract into two forms: Transactional and relational contract (Shampiro, 2004) Relational contract such term terms as loyalty and stability. Employee relation contract make them to work more as over time if they are being paid or not doesn’t matter, the change in organization according to the employee demand a necessary. Relation include not only about the job it should be in term of career, training, development, job security and support in personal problems. At another side of relational contract absorb more of the risk from economic downturns. Workers favor employers who offer them a relational psychological contract as opposed to the more limited transactional type. In turn, employers are likely to offer relational contracts to particularly valued workers than to workers who contribute less.
Transactional psychological contract are specific, operating transactional obligation in the in the psychological contract, In addition, (Guest , 2007) observes that transactional psychological contracts include such terms as narrow duties and a limited r short term duration. Workers with transactional contracts tend to adhere to its specific terms and to seek employment elsewhere when conditions change or when employers fail to live up to their agreement. Transactional contracts shift the risk associated with economic uncertainties from the employer to workers.

8. Critical self-reflection

While working on this report I read many article, news, Magazine and talked with people to know more about changing world of work and psychological contract. Learning about the changing world of work and psychological contract also made change in my life and they of my thinking of any organization as well as in my personal life and in my college. Being HR manager we have to understand about all people in organization. It’s like making good friend circle in organization and discuss about our all problems to each other and solving it together. Change is for good to do any old work in more effective way, if we are not able to do any work we need to change the way of our working to get succeeded the cycle of  changing world of work will never stop there is always better way to the work then current way. So I started the making change in life to make it better than before. “People are migrating to other country  for  better work and salary” I will not say them to not go abroad and work, Better go have good knowledge and please come back to our own country because our country need skilled person like you who have lots of experience to make our own country better.

The best thing I learned from this report writing is the psychological contract in my life. It helped me to understand about the feeling of other person and their nature, how to motivate people around me. I have done lots of improvement in my personal life and in my college life. As the world is changing. We all are also changing in the flow of world of work is changing. Change is necessary in every people and world of work without out making change we cannot succeed in our life or make new goals. I learned to how to write a report in effective way as well as I learned more about Microsoft word their uses. The interesting part what I learned is about references. If I write any report by myself working so hard, researching on it. If anyone else copies my word and get credit on my report will be so bad for me. So giving the credit to the person who have done wonderful work to know about any topic we must give the credit to them if we are coping there lines. This was my second research on this topic at first I felt so much boring making research and writing report in it but now days I feel so glad to research on any topic and to know more about the topic am writing, it’s not the process of reading and writing on the topic, it process of knowing and making questions about the topic and knowing more about new things and our history. I am made lots of improvement in writing report and am going to make more improvement in future too.

9. Appendix

Assessment started
12th December 2014
Draft paper submission
21st December 2015
Start working on report
23rd December 2015
Draft submission to tutor
13th January 2015
Final report submission
18th January 2015

10. References

Clifton, 2011. Coming job war, s.l.: Clifton.
Europe Agency for safety and health at work, 2014. The changing world of work. Second ed. Europe: Europe Agency for safety and health at work.
Guest , 2007. Psychological Contract, s.l.: s.n.
Gupta, S., 2014. Mr. [Interview] (16 01 2014).
International Journal of Business and Social Science, 2012. Concept of Psychological Contrac. Effect of Human Resource Management Practices on Psychological Contract in Organizations, III(19), p. 118.
Shampiro, 2004. Psychological Contract, s.l.: Rousseau.
The Himalyan Times, 2014. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 12 2014].
V S P Rao, 2013. Human resource management. 3rd ed. New Dheli: Excel books.

1 comment:

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